All staff members attention are drawn to the following operational criteria applicable to this policy.
- It is not the responsibility of Local Authorities or that of employees or volunteers to investigate issues of child protection.
- The duty is to report these issues to the appropriate authority.
- The attention of all employees is drawn to the policy section entitled ‘inappropriate behaviour’ Checklist for employees /volunteers. P.9
which states that with the exception of a life-threatening emergency it is inappropriate and there are no circumstances in which an employee/ volunteer should be on their own with a child
Each employee, member of staff, volunteer working with / for this authority is required to be compliant with the guidelines laid out in this policy where it is applicable in your work. (i.e. if your work brings you into contact with children)
Line managers in all directorates have a responsibility to ensure each member of staff for whom they have supervisory responsibility has a full copy of this policy document, particularly where staff may not have access to a computer / pc.
Volunteers should also be apprised of the guidelines and the requirement for compliance.
Download Guidelines for the Protection of Children