Sligo Library School Services

Pre-School Services

Pre-School Teacher’s Card

Pre-School teachers can borrow up to 40 items for 3 months on a block loan teacher account.

Our Mobile Library visits pre-schools by arrangement on Mondays. This schedule operates on a 3 week cycle. If your pre-school is not currently on this schedule please contact us to arrange a time.

Parent & Toddler Storytelling

Contact your nearest branch library for times.

Primary School Services

Teacher’s Card

Primary School teachers can borrow a class set of novels and other items on a block loan teacher account. Up to 40 items can be borrowed for 3 months.

Loans should be arranged with, collected from and returned to your local branch library.

Two title reservations per school are loaned at one time from our Primary School Resources list, in order to have items available for as many schools as possible.

School Events at Sligo Libraries.

We invite schools to STEAM events during term as well as targeted events during Seachtain na Gaeilge, World Book Day, World Poetry Day, Engineer’s Week, October Book Festival and Sligo Science Festival.

Visits to Primary Schools

Library staff visit Primary Schools in advance of our Summer Stars Summer Reading programme. Presentations to children/staff/parents about our services can be arranged during term.

Post-Primary School Services

Teacher’s Card

Post-Primary School teachers can borrow a class set of novels and other items on a block loan teacher account. Up to 40 items can be borrowed for 3 months.

Visits to Post-Primary Schools

Library staff visit Post-Primary schools by appointment to give presentations to students about the range of library services available. Library cards for students can be arranged in advance of the visit.

Sligo Libraries provide reading and curriculum support materials, young adult collections and online learning resources. Library staff support teachers and parents in developing student’s interests as well as their reading skills.

School Events at Sligo Libraries.

We invite Post-Primary Schools to STEAM events during term. Our Healthy Ireland at Your Library programme and Europe Direct Information Centre also provide interesting and informative events for Post-Primary students.

Study space

Post-primary students can access study space in their nearest library branch where practicable, as well as free access to Wi-Fi/Internet.

Research and Projects
Resources and assistance for students and teachers is available at your nearest branch library as well as electronically.

Local History
The Local Studies & Reference Reading Room provides access, including online resource access, to a vast collection of historical material relating to Sligo and its people.

C-Pen Reader

The C-Pen Reader is a portable, pocket-sized reader pen which scans and then reads text aloud to assist with independent reading.

The C-Pen Reader could be useful for any student suffering from reading difficulties such as dyslexia or aphrasia, learners who are neurodiverse, those learning languages, and those with vision problems.  With a built-in dictionary to access the meaning of words as you read and its read aloud function, the C-Pen can also help with reading comprehension and pronunciation.

Contact your local Sligo County Library branch to find out how to borrow a C-Pen Reader for a period of three weeks.


Sense-Ability aims to offer positive library experiences for people with sensory or additional educational needs. It strives to develop sensory friendly, accessible library services for the people of Leitrim, Sligo and Roscommon. It aims to provide a sense of belonging, a sense of space, a sense of welcome and a sense of support to individuals of all abilities, their families and caregivers. Through consultation with relevant professionals, extensive staff training, a programme of events and the development of new and exciting spaces and services, Sense-Ability gives everyone the ability to use library services in an inclusive, safe, non-judgmental way.

TTRS (Touch-Type, Read & Spell)

TTRS is a fantastic structured online course which assists children and adults with reading, spelling and typing skills. TTRS is a multisensory course with users hearing words, seeing them on screen and typing them during each section of the programme.

TTRS is perfect for;

  • Learners with dyslexia
  • Learners with dyspraxia
  • Learners with dysgraphia
  • Students studying English as a second Language
  • Those who wish to learn touch typing
  • And many more

If you’d like to learn more about the TTRS service, or sign up, please send an email to to get registered.

Biodiversity Kit for Lending

With Sligo Library, you can now access specialised equipment and collect valuable data by using a Citizens Science kit which includes nets, magnifying glasses and swatches to help identity species.

The initiative is designed to assist an increasingly engaged public, many of whom are eager to contribute to the preservation of our biodiversity but who lack the tools to do so.

The kits can be used by students looking to conduct their own studies, amateur ecologists wishing to produce their own biodiversity action plans and by community groups such as Tidy Towns, River Trusts and Field Clubs who want to gather information to bolster local biodiversity projects.

In all cases, records gathered should be sent to Ireland’s National Biodiversity Data Centre (NBDC), whose role it is to collect and manage data and information about Ireland’s biodiversity. When records are submitted to the NBDC, it helps researchers to monitor changes in biodiversity and identify areas of conservation concern. Records submitted inform conservation strategies and provide evidence for policy decisions.

The kits are free to loan but anyone wishing to borrow a kit must be an adult member of the relevant library service. Species records should be sent to Ireland’s National Biodiversity Data Centre.

Contact your local Sligo Library branch for reservation details.

Class Visits

Class visits can be arranged at your nearest branch library, please contact to make an appointment. Library cards can also be arranged in advance of the visit.

Advisory Service

If you are thinking of setting up a library at your school, there are many useful publications available for reference e.g. books on children’s literature, school libraries and related topics. Contact your local branch library.